(Junk) Information about Boston Life

Japanese, Back 2001/12/26
I give you useful information (I believe) in daily life in Boston. You shouldn't trust this information especially when it gets older ;-)

[Index] Bicycle | Bus to New York | Low prices |

Bicycle (2001/06/25)
This is almost the same document as that I sent to BIC mailing list of http://www.asagao.com on 2001/06/25.

Bike shops which sell new cheap bikes, where we can go by T (subway) in Boston.

You should prepare a lock before you buy a bike, otherwise it will go away soon somewhere...

  1. Green Line : Lechmore Station
    Sears (Inside Cambridge Side Galeria)
    Walk about 3 min. Assembling fee is about $10. (I bought my bike here.)
  2. Red Line : Andrew Station
    Big K-mart (At South Bay Shopping Center)
    You can find a free shuttle of the South Bay Center. It takes 3 min to get there by bus.
  3. Orange Line : Wellington Station
    Target (At Gateway Centerj
    Walk 15 minutes from Wellington station to the East. You go over a river on the way to the Target. The big sign of the Target can be found over the trees when you stand at the end of the parking lot of the Wellington station.
  4. Orange Line : Wellington Station
    Ames (on the way to Glen Meadow Mall ?)
    Walk from Wellington station to the West. (You will see automatic funny monorail at the West side of the station.) Turn to the north-west direction at the big crossing where you can find a big liqueur shop at the north-east corner, and go through several shops. It takes 15 min or so.

Cheap Bus Trip to New York (2001/12/26)
Chinese buses from chinatown Boston to New York is very cheap, actually much cheaper than greyhound. It costs only $20 or so for one day round trip. I heard prices would be changed from season to season.

You can see my experience through Boston Picture Diary , on 2001/07/07, 2001/07/12, 2001/07/15, 2001/12/21 and 2001/12/22 (comments written only in Japanese pages, but you may imagine what happened by watching the pictures ^_^;). We used Travel Pack.

It seems they sometimes do overbooking, so I recommend you to go to the pick up place eariler than other people in order to get a seat... (We couldn't find our seats when we arrived there just before the departure time at New York. We had to come back by Greyhound. Of course they payed the fee of the Greyhound tickets later, but anyway it exahausted us...)

Low Price Everyday (2001/06/xx)
I don't have time to write here. Wait for a couple of days/weeks/months...