Old: Ver.1 - 3: List of V Casper Cartridges

Japanese, Casper Cartridges, kameda-lab.org 2010/11/24f, (2012/10/10)

Latest Version

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[Casper Cartridge Top]

Ver.1-3 overview cartridge list why casper? internal set-up OpenCV samples ARToolKit PTAM OpenCV/svn


A very large "casper-rw" file will be the root partition on Ubuntu linux.
(This is not actually right description; you need to learn unified file system or aufs by yourself.)
We call this casper-rw "Casper cartridge file".
By replacing this casper-rw, you can switch to a new environment very easily.




You need to make a memory stick bootable for Ubuntu 10.04.1 desktop environment.
Please visit this page to prepare a USB memory stick.
(You need to do this process only once per USB memory stick.)

Replacing Casper Cartridges

Select one casper cartridge file from the list below.
Rename the downloaded file to "casper-rw" and copy it to the USB memory stick.
It takes time to copy it because of its size, be patient.
(You can do this task on Windows. Of course, you can do it on Linux too)

Casper Cartridge List (3GB)

Each zipped casper-rw file may be 0.5GB - 0.7GB.
Be patient for downloading them.

After you extract the original file, it should be 3GB (all same size).
You can use this cartridge for 4GB USB memory stick, but you can use this to larger USB memory stick, of course (8GB, ...).

Ver.3.4-esys: For students of Engineering Systems Department, University of Tsukuba
Based on Ver.3.3J.
Roll back Eclipse to 3.2 to meet the config of ESYS computers in Building-L.
It also includes some course materials.
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Japanese Remix Desktop (x86/32bit)
- OpenCV-2.1.0 with SURF bug-fix
- libgl1-mesa-dev, freeglut3-dev, ... (OpenGL development)
- Eclipse 3.2 + C/C++, with Japanese Language Plug-ins
- ARToolKit 2.72.1
- Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) r114 with OpenCV patch
Japanese casper-rw.2010-3.4J-esys.zip 1.5GB md5 memo

Ver.3.3: For researchers of Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, or whatever
Install Eclipse, ARToolKit, and PTAM on the Ver.1.1E environment.
It should be useful for CV/AR/MR researchers.
- Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Desktop (x86/32bit)
- OpenCV-2.1.0 with SURF bug-fix
- libgl1-mesa-dev, freeglut3-dev, ... (OpenGL development)
- Eclipse 3.6.1 + C/C++
- ARToolKit 2.72.1
- Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) r114 with OpenCV patch
English casper-rw.2010-3.3E.zip 700MB md5 memo

Ver.1.1: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Desktop and OpenCV
Install OpenCV 2.1.0 on Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Desktop, plus many sample programs already compiled from souces. (Ref)
- Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Desktip (x86/32bit)
- OpenCV-2.1.0 with SURF bug-fixe
English casper-rw.2010-1.1E.zip 500MB md5 memo

Casper Cartridge List (256MB)

This is designed for 1GB USB memory stick.
Since CD image takes 700MB, casper-rw could be 256MB at most.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to build OpenCV on Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS within this size

Extracted file size should be 256MB.
You can use this not only for 1GB, but also for larger ones (2GB, 4GB, ...)

Ver.1.0E: Just empty
Nothing there, same as default (except for clock setup).
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop Japanese Remix (x86/32bit)
English (based on JP Ed.) casper256M.2010-1.0E.zip 4.7MB md5 memo

(KAMEDA, Yoshinari) kameda[at]iit.tsukuba.ac.jp, kameda[at]ieee.org